Snack: Wash your hands, shape a
brownie into a figure, and eat it!
One stick of modeling
clay per student
best thing about clay is that it can change shape in a flash! It's a good skill
in life to be able to estimate about how long a minute is. So let's combine
these two things - time management, and clay - and have some fun and stay in
constant motion with a "Claymotion" activity!
clean hands, take your stick of clay and squeeze it around for a minute or so
to warm it up and make it stretchy and easily formed.
someone hold the stopwatch or, if you're alone, set up a clock or watch with a
second hand to time yourself. For each "assignment," you may have one minute to
form your clay creation. When the person says "STOP!" you have to set the clay
down. If you're doing this with other students, you can use the time between
"assignments" to go around the room and everybody will show and tell what they
made. Be sure to praise and compliment each other on your work! Your feelings,
after all, are a lot like clay - they can be changed in an instant by something
nice that someone says. Then go on to the next "assignment."
here goes! You can do one, two, three, or all of these. Have fun!
1. An animal
2. Something that travels
3. Something that has two parts or pieces
4. Something you see in your neighborhood
5. Something that makes you happy
6. Your favorite character from cartoons or video games
7. A home or habitat (be ready to tell what or who lives
in it)
8. Something to eat (but don't eat it - clay tastes
9. A human face
10. Something you
see in the room right now (make others guess!)