Everybody's Favorite
First Business: Lemonade Stand
Today's Snack: A great way to expand any business is to add a new product. So if you
are excited about starting a lemonade stand, that is great. But today, try
making some limeade. Would you like to sell it, too?
Notebook, scratch paper and pen or pencil
up a lemonade stand in the front yard is probably the most common first
business that most American young people try. It's easy and fun: prepare lemonade,
make signs, have cups, set a price, pick a good timeframe to be "open," have a
cashbox or change ready, and there you go!
you want to start a "movement" in your community and involve lots more kids and
families, join National Lemonade Day! It was started in Texas by a dad who
believes it is important to teach kids entrepreneurial skills really young, to
help our country grow.
can download helpful information from the website to learn how to set up a
lemonade stand business and make it prosper, whether you are in business for an
hour or for years.
the first Sunday in May, kids all over the country are setting up lemonade
stands using the advice on this website. They often donate part of their
profits to a worthy charity. Then they report how they did to the website: