Service Projects:
Atta Boy / Atta Girl
Today's Snack: Encourage yourself to love healthy snacks with raw
veggies: celery sticks, baby carrots, broccoli sections, a green pepper ring, a
handful of grape tomatoes . . . a little of several high-nutrition vegetables
with "snap" will encourage you to leave sweets and salty processed snacks
behind. Drink a tall glass of water, too. Atta Boy! Or Atta Girl!
Different colors of
neon bright cardstock from an office supply store, at least five sheets per
20 matching envelopes,
or small envelopes, per student
Access to a paper
cutter (adult supervision required!)
Curling ribbon |
is hard sometimes, for all ages in all situations. We all need encouragement
from time to time. The world needs more encouragers out there, that's for sure.
It takes a caring person willing to pay attention to what is happening in the
lives of those around them. That's a wonderful characteristic - to be caring
instead of selfish, and to want to reach out to help others instead of living
on the Planet of Me, Me, Me. :>)
someone has lost a job, or is sick, or was hurt in an accident, or was
victimized by crime, or got a bad grade on a test, or got cut by a sports team,
or their friend moved away, or their favorite team lost a big game, or they
just seem quiet and sad lately - you can make an incredible difference by
sending that person a short but sweet rah-rah note, just cheering him or her
can make a similar impact by sending someone a note of praise or a compliment
out of the blue.
up your mind to write an "Atta Boy" or "Atta Girl" note to someone every week
for a semester, and see what happens!
adult leader can teach you how to write the date on a note, how to organize and
write the salutation, body and signature (if any) on the note, and how to write
the name, address, and city/state/zip on three lines on the envelope. If you're
using a stamp, you'll need the second two lines; if you're going to hand-deliver
the note to the person's home or office, you can just have the person's name on
the envelope.
being a nice, thoughtful gesture, this is a great way for kids to practice
their writing skills!
are two ways to obtain the stationery:
- Conduct a used stationery drive at your school,
your church, or among your friends and family. Everyone has some unused
greeting cards, stationery, cardstock, envelopes and other items sitting
around the house that they might want to donate. It's pretty easy to
obtain a nice supply of miscellaneous stationery that way, it's
"upcycling," and it's free!
- Or make your own notecards: Choose five
different bright colors of cardstock paper, and cut each one in fourths
with a paper cutter, if you have obtained envelopes of the right size.
Change the size of the cards that you cut to fit into whatever envelopes
you find.
can make this into an assembly line if there are a lot of students
participating. Make sure an adult is there to help you keep from cutting yourself!
up your stack of notes and envelopes with ribbon and curl the ends, to make
your stationery easy to take home, and a colorful reminder to you to get going.
Maybe you will want to write your Atta Boy / Atta Girl note every Monday after
school; whatever schedule works for you.
can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of staying anonymous - keeping
your identity secret so that the recipient doesn't know who the note is from -
and discuss how to deliver notes without getting "caught" if you're choosing to
remain anonymous.
can discuss sending these notes by mail (stamps are expensive these days!) or
bringing them in person, but making sure the person gets the note. For example,
don't leave a note on a person's doorstep because it might blow away. Be sure
to keep the names of the recipients and what struggle they are going through
totally anonymous and confidential, to protect their privacy.
Each week in your after-school group, you can share
stories of how the people you sent an "Atta Boy" or "Atta Girl" note to
responded. You may be amazed at the "ripple effect," as someone who has been
encouraged turns around and encourages someone else! That will be the best part
of all, and will no doubt turn you into a lifelong encourager - a wonderful,
wonderful asset to all of us!