P.O. Box
Elkhorn, NE
* Nonprofit organization, 501(c)(3)
Mini-Grant #9: Wesley Academy
after-school and summer program at the Wesley House, 2001 N. 35th
St. in Omaha.

After School Treats is providing one creative enrichment
activity per school day for the 25 students in this effective program, with
plans for a youth learning garden with daily garden lesson plans for the 2010
growing season.
If you would like to sponsor this effort, the cost is
about $1 per day per child. So $25 buys one creative enrichment activity from
the After School Treats lineup, and $125 buys a week's worth.
After School Treats lesson plans are now being paired
with a book in special After School Treats kits for independent learning.
Topics range from "Shakespeare and Hip Hop" to science experiments to art
projects. The books have some link to the creative activity to extend the
learning and enjoyment.
kits are fun to do, but at the same time they build reading comprehension and
writing skills for each student enrolled in the Wesley House program.
Upon opening a kit, the student must first read the book
and then respond in writing to three prompts in a special After School Treats
notebook. Then the student can do the fun, creative activity. The supplies and
instructions are in the kit.
After all 25 Wesley House students have had an
opportunity to do the kits, they'll be swapped out for a new set.
Please contact susan@afterschooltreats.com if
you would like to donate money for the kits or the learning garden, volunteer
to help with this innovative after-school program, or if you have quality
children's books to donate for the kits, particularly if the characters are
African-American and the reading level is at or below Grade 8.