Backyard Archaeology
Today's Snack: Put about six ounces of
strawberry yogurt into a container that you can't see through. Hide six whole
strawberries, tops removed, in the yogurt. Now eat the yogurt with a spoon,
uncovering each strawberry as you encounter it. Eat the strawberries, too, but
remember, in archaeology, when you uncover something, you don't eat it - you
study it!
Five or six old clay flower pots
Markers or tempera paint and brush
Large paper bag
Old newspapers
Craft glue
is the study of ancient people by finding, reassembling and studying the things
they left behind: artifacts, monuments, written documents and so forth.
of the most useful items for learning how people ate, what cultural influences
they came under, and how long ago they lived, is to examine their pottery.
That's what they kept food and water in, so pottery was extremely important to
survival, and pots are almost always found in an excavated site - a place where
people used to live long, long ago that is now being dug up and studied by
is very difficult to reconstruct pottery at an archaeological site, though. The
centuries often damage and break pottery, and various factors move the pieces
and shards of the pots all over the place. It takes patience and skill to put
each pot back together.
you have what it takes to be an archaeologist? Let's see!
get together five or six old clay flower pots and decorate them on the outside
with either magic marker or paint. Try to make each design distinctive. Use
particular patterns and colors.
place all the pots into a large paper bag and close the top.
a hammer, gently bang on the bag, and break the pots inside the bag into pieces.
It's not often you break something on purpose, is it?
shake the bag several times and dump out half the pieces onto a table or
counter protected with a thick layer of newspaper so the pot shards, or pieces,
don't scratch.
using white glue, try to reassemble as many of the original pots as you can.
fun writing a story about the "people" who you imagine might have used those
pots! Name their tribe or group, describe the place in which they lived, and tell
a few details about their culture. Try to make their culture as different as
you possibly can from the way we live today! And make up a wacky way that they
use those pots. Have fun!