Paper Airplane Test
Today's Snack: There's a famous airline, Southwest, that always
gives passengers a snack of peanuts. So have a handful or two of peanuts today,
with a glass of water. If you're allergic, have a handful or two of raisins.
They are yummy, too! Mmmmm! That'll . . . FLY with you, won't it? :>)
One piece of tissue
One sheet of
loose-leaf notebook paper
One magazine page
One full sheet of
One-half of a
cardboard file folder (cut along spine)
One piece of poster
Chalk or masking tape
30- or 50-foot tape
tricky to balance the weight and size of a machine that moves so that it'll go
as fast as you want it to, and not burn too much fuel.
imagine the trick to building an airplane that will fly "true" - meaning
straight! - as well as use fuel efficiently.
you throw a paper airplane into the air, the craft will use your muscles and
the air as its "motion lotion." But does it make a difference what kind of
paper your airplane is made out of?

find out! Let's make some test planes, and try them.
you can do this inside, in a school gym, with no crosswind, you'll probably be
happier. But if it's a still, calm day, you can do this outside.
six different paper airplanes out of the six kinds of paper listed above. Don't
know how to fold paper airplanes? Get tips on www.paperplane.org, with lots of information
about "aerodynamics" (air o die NAM iks), which is the science of making
airplanes fly.
to other kids and your teacher or leader, and make a hypothesis (hi POTH eh
sis), or educated guess, about which plane you think will fly the farthest, and
which one you think will fly the shortest distance . . . and be sure to add
"why" you think that about them.
mark a starting line on the ground with chalk (outside, on playground pavement,
for example) or masking tape (if you're inside, in the gym).
your feet behind the starting line, throw each of your six plants as carefully
as you can. Try to use the same motion when you let each one go. Let them stay
where they fall.
you have thrown all six, measure how far they flew. Keep track on a piece of
you find out that the firmer the paper is, the longer the plane will stay in
the air? But if the paper is TOO firm, it won't fly very far?
do you think this is?
you like to fly or design aircraft when you grow up? Who wouldn't!?! If that's
your goal . . . reach for the stars!