Boatloads of Boats
Today's Snack: Make a cucumber "boat" by cutting it lengthwise.
Then, with a teaspoon, scrape out the seeds to make a hollow inside. Fill the
hollow with softened cream cheese to which you've added just a pinch of dried
herbs such as dill, oregano and garlic powder. If you don't eat your "boats"
right away, stick them back together, chill, and then cut thick slices, or just
pull it apart again and eat the two "boats"!
Print out the list at the bottom of this Treat
Encyclopedia or other reference books with boat
Big, illustrated dictionary
If you have access to the Internet and a search
engine, that would be helpful
Lined paper for writing, with a #2 pencil
Blank drawing paper, with colored pencils
Deep bowl or tub filled with water
Plastic 9-oz. drinking cup
Rocks or other small weights, enough to fill the cup
It is amazing how many types
of boats there are. Boats are probably the original mode of transportation.
Their "invention" came earlier than the wheel. So boats were developed long
before humans had wagons, carts, and certainly bicycles, automobiles, airplanes
and other forms of modern transportation.

Here's a boat from about 1450 B.C.
The first boats existed
thousands of years ago, and were generally made of hollowed-out logs, tree bark
or animal skins. Ancient boats also were made of reeds laid side by side and
"glued" together with black tar.
In the beginning, boats moved
by water power. Humans merely rode on rafts that floated down a river
naturally. Next came human power - humans had to row the boat - but soon, the
discovery of wind power as used with sails gave boats more speed and distance.
Soon, trading could take place between two communities that were far apart, and
so languages and ideas spread around the world largely because of boat
Only recently, in the last
hundred years or so, have motors been added to boats, giving them even more
speed and distance. Electricity can now be used as a power source. Lightweight
but strong aluminum and fiberglass are common materials used in boat
construction. And engines get more and more powerful and energy-efficient all
the time.
Boats are generally smaller
vessels that go on lakes and rivers, and larger boats that go on the oceans are
called "ships." However, there are exceptions. A big riverboat or paddleboat,
also called a "steamship," is classified as a ship even though it travels on
rivers. So is an ocean-going freighter or a ferry boat. Generally, though, if
it's too big to float in an inland lake or shallow coastal waters, it's a ship,
not a boat.
A boat floats because its
weight in the water "displaces" a certain amount of water. The heavier the
boat, the more displacement there will be, and the deeper in the water it will
Test how displacement works by
floating a plastic cup in a large bowl or tub of water. Predict how many rocks
or other small weights that you can put in the cup before it will sink. Then
start adding rocks. Will the cup become completely filled with rocks and still
float? Or does it sink? Was your prediction close, or far off? Why do you think
your cup floated, or sank?
are the only boats that sink on purpose. They can either be called boats or
ships, because the first submarines were carried around by a larger ship, and
were not capable of coming and going on their own.
Boats may be used by the military,
U.S. Coast Guard, or for other government purposes, or they may be for research
or commercial purposes, such as deep-sea exploration or fishing.

The parts of a boat include:
n The hull, or the body of the boat, which makes it float.
The keel is like the backbone of
the boat; it is a lengthwise beam to which the frames.
The front (or forward end) of a boat is called the bow (rhymes with "cow").
The rear (or aft end - think of the word "after") of the boat is called the
As you face forward in a boat, the right side is starboard.
The left side is port.

Now use your research materials - encyclopedias or other
reference books - to find information and pictures of at least five of these
types of boats. Write at least one fact about the boat next to the boat's name,
If you love boats, try to write a fact about each kind
listed below, and draw their pictures. That would be quite a reference guide!
a piece of unlined drawing paper, draw the boat and label it. Color it with
colored pencils.
can either make one page with five kinds of boats, or a different page for each
boat. Don't try to color in the water now, or you'll be working all night!
Tall sailing ship
Performance rowing craft
Can you think of more types of
boats? List here: