Paper Football
Today's Snack: They call a football a "pigskin," so let's have
"Pigs in a Blanket." Cut hot dogs in half. Around each, wrap a triangle of
refrigerated dough. Try to make it look like a football! Pinch the two ends
together. Bake in the oven according to package directions. Enjoy with a big
glass of milk.
Five pieces of paper
Scotch tape
Five "goals" - sour cream container, large cup,
wastebasket, box, can, etc.
For "Paper Football," make five "footballs" out of paper.
Then see if you can flick them into five different goals, using your fingers to
For each football, fold a piece of paper in half
lengthwise, and then fold it in half again. It will be a long and skinny
rectangle, NOT a square shape.
Now fold the bottom corner over to the side, forming a
triangle. Make your fold sharp and crisp. Fold that triangle to the other side,
again make the fold as tight as you can. Continue folding triangles until the
entire piece of paper makes one small triangle. You probably will have a little
extra paper at the end. Tape this down tightly with a couple of pieces of
Scotch tape.
When you've made your five footballs, practice "kicking"
by putting a football triangle on one of its ends and holding it with your left
hand. With your right hand, put your middle finger and your thumb together in a
circle. Take aim right behind the paper football. Then "flick" your middle
finger forward, "kicking" the paper football in the air.
Set your own rules: you can try to kick the five
footballs into each of the goals one at a time and win a point for each one you
can get in, and then move on to the second goal. Or you can line up all five
goals different distances away and give yourself more points if you can kick it
in to the farthest goal, etc.
Like any game, this one is more fun if you have a partner
or even teams.
You can make this game more elaborate by using a
measuring tape to decide how many feet away the goals will be. Or you can make
a scoreboard out of some posterboard and keep "stats" (statistics) on things
like how many footballs you got in the five separate goals and how many you
"missed" when you aimed at each goal.
you have a stopwatch, you can set a time limit, too. See if you can get all
five footballs into the goal in only 10 seconds! Now, THAT'S more pressure than
an NFL quarterback has to face!