How Many Miles Per Gallon Do YOU
Today's Snack:
Let's concentrate on water. It's important to drink a lot of it, every day, to
help your body work at its very best. Lots of times, when you think you are
hungry, actually you are just thirsty - thirsty for water. So today, or over
the next week, why don't you walk one mile (that's about 20 minutes at a nice,
steady pace), and drink one gallon of water. That's 128 ounces, which is as LOT
- it's the equivalent of two half-gallon milk jugs, or 16 glasses of water with
one cup, or 8 ounces, in each cup. But you can do it! It would be fun to
remember the time you got one mile per gallon . . . of healthy, life-giving
Food is to your body as gas is to
a car's engine.
Everything we eat and drink, except water, contains calories. Calories are the
source of our body's energy, just as gasoline provides energy for a car to run.

Now, you would
never, ever drink gasoline - it's poisonous and can kill you. But did
you know that a gallon of gasoline contains about 31,000 calories? That would
be enough to keep a medium-sized person going for more than two weeks! That's a
lot of energy - but again, remember, it's energy for a car, not a person. A car
may weigh 2,000 pounds - quite a bit more than you do! So a car needs more
energy to move it around than you do.
Just to show you HOW much energy is in that one little
gallon of gasoline, and to show you how efficient our bodies are in using
energy, imagine this: if humans COULD drink gasoline for calories, we could run
more than 300 miles on the energy from just one gallon of gasoline!
Food is slower to give you energy - but then again, it
tastes so good and does so much more for you than just supplying energy, too.
It's amazing what a great job our bodies do in extracting the energy we need
from the foods and drinks we consume. Our bodies are the ultimate engines!
As with vehicles, different sizes of people, doing different
things with their bodies, will have significantly different fuel needs. A lean
athlete who exercises hard, two hours a day, will be able to consume more
calories than a person of the same weight who is basically sedentary, without
gaining weight. The human body at rest uses just 12 calories per pound per day.
The more you move around, the more calories you burn - and the more you can
You can figure out how many "miles" per
"gallon" of calories YOU can get, and practice your math skills, by
visiting this site. It will help you learn more about how our body reacts to
calorie intake, diet, and exercise, and how math can help you keep tabs on it