Egg People
Snack: Hard-boiled eggs, of course!
To hard-boil eggs, put raw eggs in water that covers
all the eggs by about an inch, and put on the stove burner at medium heat.
After about 20 minutes, the water should be boiling
With a big spoon, scoop one egg out, and try to spin
it on the counter. Be careful! Don't break it! If it spins nicely, it's done.
If it wobbles around, put it back in the pan for 10 more minutes or so.
Then carefully pour out the hot water, and fill the
pan with cold water 'til the eggs are cooled off enough to handle and eat.
To eat, peel away the shell. Dip your slippery egg in
just a little bit of salt. These go great with celery sticks dipped in peanut
butter, and some fruit juice. Mmmmm!
Raw egg, cracked as high up the side of the shell as
you can,
with a nice, straight break with few fragments,
approximately ¾ remaining and ¼ top to be thrown away
Preserve the yolk and white for use in cooking
One bottle lid, fairly deep, to use as a
Small handful of enriched, store-bought
potting soil
A few seeds of rye grass
Permanent Sharpie marker pen (be careful;
it'll stain clothes and table tops)
Water spray mist bottle, if you have one
Here's a crazy
way to celebrate spring. Make an Egg Person . . . with green hair!
First, carefully
glue your egg "pot" into and onto the bottle lid so that it'll stand up
straight. Let dry.
Next, crumble
potting soil until there are no lumps or pieces of bark and it's about the consistency
of brownie mix. Sprinkle it into your egg cup 'til it's about a half-inch from
the top, and push down gently with your finger.
If you have a
spray water bottle, now's the time to spray that dirt. Or you can pour just a
little bit of water onto the dirt from a water bottle or watering can with a
narrow spout. It shouldn't be wet and muddy - just moist.
Now sprinkle rye
seeds on top of the dirt. How many? About 30 tiny little seeds. Make sure
they're pretty evenly spread out on the surface. Don't worry if you put too
many in, but don't have a thick layer of them. You should still be able to see
some dirt.
Finally, sprinkle
about another one-fourth inch layer of more well-crumbled dirt on top so that
you can't see the seeds any more. Spray with water again or pour just a little
on top.
Take a permanent
marker pen and make a cute face on the front of the egg. For a
three-dimensional decoration, you can make a bow tie out of fabric or a string
of pearls out of beads and "dress it up" for more personality if you wish.
Water it just a
little bit, every day, and keep it on a sunny windowsill or someplace where it
can get some sun but not get knocked over.
Wait a little
while, and then presto! Your Egg Person will have a tiny little crew cut. That's
the grass seed, starting to grow.
Wait a little
while longer, and your Egg Person will have a full head of "hair." You can trim
it or style it EGGS-actly as you wish!