Nature Creatures
Snack: Build an edible caterpillar!
With an adult's help, thread a whole strawberry, a big grape, and a marshmallow
on a wooden skewer, then repeat that pattern 'til the skewer is full.
You can use other kinds of fruit as slices, or chunks
of angel-food cake or shortcake, too.
Dip a few mini chocolate chips or candy sprinkles in
a little corn syrup and stick on the first piece in your
"caterpillar" for eyes, a nose and a smile.
You can break a toothpick in two and stick the two
ends in as "antennae."
Best of all, with the adult's help, after you've
admired your caterpillar, you can slide all its parts off the skewer . . . and
eat it!
Pine cones, all shapes
Walnut shells
Seed pods
Short pine-needle twigs
Rocks or pebbles
Flower seedheads
Hot-glue gun or tacky glue
Tiny googly eyes
Sharp-pointed marker
Let's use our
imaginations and make creatures out of things we find out in nature. Assemble
them into the body parts of whatever creatures strike your fancy:
You can use the
tweezers, scissors and glue to get the body parts assembled just right. Add
googly eyes and other facial or body features with the marker pen.
You can use one or more Nature Creatures
to write stories about life in the woods or whatever strikes your fancy.
Keep your Nature Creature on your desk or
on the kitchen counter or windowsill to remind you how much you love the
out-of-doors and everyone and everything in it!