Kitchen Remedies
Today's snack: since you're already bringing honey for the learning
why not bake some biscuits with an easy, refrigerated
and dribble golden honey on some nice, warm,
oven-fresh biscuits? Mmmmm!
Chicken broth, heated in the microwave or stove, and
small Styrofoam cups
Honey and teaspoons
Water, salt and drinking cups
Altoids peppermints
Ginger root or powdered ginger
Lemon rind
Bottled seltzer water
Chamomile tea
Prunes or prune juice
Flaxseed or psyllium seed
Colgate toothpaste
There's a time and a place for doctors and
medications. But when it comes to everyday sicknesses like colds and constipation,
and mild aches and pains, tried-and true natural treatments often work just as
well as over-the-counter drugs. Try a taste test of each of these home remedies
now, before you need them, and be ready to put them to use should symptoms of a
minor illness arise.
Medical research has not
shown that medications are any better than your grandmother's favorite home
remedy, chicken soup, for breaking up chest congestion and making people with
colds feel better. Take a taste or drink a whole can of chicken broth, and see
if you agree.
Take the honey taste test: imagine you have a sore throat and see if you
think honey would make it feel better. In a recent cough-and-cold study by
Ian Paul, M.D., of Pennsylvania State University's College of Medicine, this
was rated as the best cough remedy. Honey was praised for being thick and
syrupy, able to coat the throat to protect it from irritations. Because it's
sweet, it also causes salivation, which prevents dry coughs. And it's rich in
antioxidants! Dosages: kids 2 to 5 years old, 1/2 teaspoon; kids 6 to 11, one
teaspoon, and kids 12 and older, two teaspoons. Note: don't give honey to
babies under age 2; it could cause botulism, a serious illness, because their
digestive tracts aren't developed enough.
Have older kids gargle with it. The salt draws water out of the
inflammations caused by bacteria and other germs and kills anything that may be
thriving in the warm, wet environment.
For a sore throat: mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4
cup of honey. Take 1 tablespoon full, six times a day. The vinegar kills the
bacteria that makes your throat sore.
Chew a couple of these peppermints. They clear up stuffy noses.
For achy muscles, stir 1 tablespoon of horseradish in
1 cup of olive oil. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then rub it on your
droopy, achy places.
Ginger Ale
Oddly enough, store-bought ginger ale doesn't contain ginger. But the plant
can help with nausea. Make your own ginger ale by combining a teaspoon or two
of powdered ginger, lemon rind, honey, boiling water, and seltzer to taste. Or
you could just steep ginger root slices in hot water to make tea.
You should be able to find this tea in your grocery
store's coffee and tea aisle.
Let each student eat a fresh prune or drink prune juice. Be sure to warn
them about the pits! Prunes are just about the healthiest fruits of all, chock
full of good nutrition. Also good as laxatives fresh pears, apricots, peaches,
and dried fruit.
or Psyllium Seed
You can get a small container of this in most grocery stores or health-food
stores. Sprinkle it on food or mix it into easy-to-eat items like yogurt for
kids older than two years. Be careful about how much you give each child, for
the lower the body weight, the more dramatic the "results" may be.
Drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache
pain almost immediately, without any unpleasant side effects. Read the
ingredients listed on the label; the answer is in the minerals present in the
Good for your teeth, but also for your skin: Colgate
brand toothpaste makes an excellent salve for minor burns.
At bedtime, cover the blemish with a dab of honey and
put a Band-Aid over it. Honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, and
speeds healing.
Sometimes you can make a splinter worse by pulling it
out and having it break in two, than if you just left it alone. But when it
hurts, that's tough to do, too. Here's another solution: pour a drop of Elmer's
Glue-All over the splinter, let dry, and peel the dried glue off the skin. The
splinter should come off with the glue.
A mouthwash? For a broken blister? You've got that
right. After all, Listerine is a disinfectant. So it'll work as an antiseptic
and keep an infection from developing.
Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it to
the bruise for 1 hour. The vinegar reduces the blueness and speeds healing.