Elephant Toothpaste
Today's Snack: Just for fun, get your toothbrush, and eat a
container of yogurt with it as a spoon! Add a couple of vanilla wafers and a
cup of ice water.
Empty 2-liter plastic pop
bottle | Funnel | tub, bucket or lasagna pan
1 cup hydrogen peroxide
(40 Volume 12%)
Dawn dish soap | one
packet active dry yeast
OPTIONAL: food coloring
and plastic glitter
4 T. very warm water |
spoon | safety goggles
Plastic toys

might want to do this outside or in a bathtub or easily-cleaned place. Small
children should observe an adult handling the chemicals and doing the
experiment here, though once the foam pops up, it's safe for any age to handle)
adult supervision, and wearing goggles, use the funnel to pour the hydrogen
peroxide into the empty 2-liter pop bottle, placed in a tub or bucket. Add a
few squirts of Dawn, and swirl gently.
whether you want the final product to be white, or add a few drops of food
coloring and/or plastic glitter into the mixture if you wish.
In a
small container, pour one yeast packet into 4 tablespoons very warm water. Stir
with spoon until well-mixed, with no clumps.
quickly. Using the funnel again, pour the yeast mixture into the bottle. Pull
the funnel away.
back and watch the foamy hilarity! After a second or two, have the adult touch
the foam to make sure it isn't too hot to touch, and also the bottle. You will
be surprised to feel the warmth coming out.
You can
touch the foam and play with it. It's fun to mush around and play with plastic
action figures or other toys. The foam will soon melt into water, so there will
be no harm to the environment and you can pour it down the sink.
How does this work? The yeast acts
as a catalyst - pronounced CAT uh list. That's a science term for something that
makes something else happen.
yeast causes a chemical reaction inside the bottle. When the yeast is mixed
with water, an invisible gas is released. It makes the hydrogen peroxide split
up into its ingredients - hydrogen and oxygen.
first, they bubble up into a large amount of foam. Eventually, they melt into
water - also known as H2O. The "H" stands for "Hydrogen" and the "O" stands for
"Oxygen." There are two parts of hydrogen for every one part of oxygen in
water. And that's all it is!