Memory Game
Today's Snack: Since we're working on building memory skills
today, here's a treat children hope you'll always remember how to make. This
makes enough for a group of kids or a family, so be prepared for leftovers. Cut
up a banana or two, some strawberries and cantaloupe into bite-sized pieces.
Stick a toothpick into each piece. Then, over a double boiler over hot, but not
boiling, water, melt ½ pound of semisweet chocolate, either white or dark, and
1 tablespoon solid vegetable shortening. Stir often. Remove from heat. Pour
chocolate into a small bowl. Your child can help you with this fun part: take a
hold of the toothpick with each piece of fruit, and dip 2/3 of it into the
chocolate, coating it well. Let the excess chocolate drip back into the pan.
Place fruit on waxed paper OR you can cover a block of Styrofoam with plastic
wrap, and then just stick the other end of the toothpick into the Styrofoam.
Chill until chocolate is hardened.
10 toys and household objects
Watch with a second hand, or kitchen
your child stretch memory skills with this simple, fun game. Start by placing
three small toys and familiar household objects on a tray. For example: a
stuffed-animal dog, a large spoon, and a paper napkin.
your child to study them for one minute. Use the watch to time it, or the
kitchen timer. Often, small children LOVE to learn how to work a timer!
the child should close his or her eyes, and you remove one object.
the child tell you which object is missing?
the child gets it right, then put four different objects on the tray, and give
your child another minute to study those four, then repeat the challenge.
your way up to 10 objects. Your child will LOVE doing this in reverse, with YOU
as the guesser!