Jack Prelutsky: He's a
Poet, Don't You Know It
Today's Snack: a pear - because it
takes a PAIR of words to make a rhyme, and we're working with poetry today!
Jack Prelutsky is one of the
funniest, most beloved children's poets around. He was named the Children's
Poet Laureate by the Poetry Foundation (www.PoetryFoundation.org) in honor
of his more than 40 books of verse that have sold more than a million copies
and been translated into several languages.

Favorites include The New Kid on the Block, The Dragons Are
Singing Tonight, and The Frogs Wore
Red Suspenders.
Prelutsky was born in New York in
1940. He wanted to be an opera singer, a baseball player, a fighter pilot, or a
cowboy. He never thought he'd be a poet, and in fact, he flunked several
college classes in English, of all things!
He was working in a book and music
store when he started sketching fantastic, colorful creatures in notebooks. He
thought he might become an artist! A friend suggested that he write poems to go
with his art work. But the publishers thought his poems were better than his art
work. So suddenly, he became a poet!
Visit his humorous and playful