Junk Trumpet
Snack: If
you can get them, there are some fun little crackers shaped like horns, called
"Bugles." They would be great to have today as we make a type of bugle out of
discarded materials. Trumpet players have to keep well-lubricated, so drink not
one but two glasses of water for today's snack.
Borrow or check out a trumpet for
students to try
(wipe in between tries with a
bacterial-cleansing wipe)
and/or arrange a guest artist visit
from a trumpet player
Length of flexible surgical tubing
(scrounge at a hospital or from a
doctor's office),
or plastic pipe (scrounge from a
company, hardware store or plumber)
Plastic liter bottle
Modeling clay
Let's make a trumpet. All it takes is a few basic
parts, and we can use two simple items for the two basic parts of a trumpet.
make a mouthpiece.
Cut off the top of a plastic bottle, such as a
1-liter soda pop bottle. It should be slightly larger than the end of the pipe
that you are going to use.
Cut it so that it is about one inch below the bottom
of the screw thread where the lid normally screws on. It should flare out a
make the body.
Stick the narrow end of the mouthpiece into the
opening of the tubing.
them together.
Form modeling clay along the rough edges so that
your cheek won't get hurt. Fill in the gaps between the mouthpiece and the
try different ways of blowing air into the mouthpiece:
Buzz like a bee.
Put your lips together tightly and blow out, like an
Purse your lips together like you are going to kiss,
and blow air through, into the pipe.
Where does the sound come from?
The trumpet makes a sound because when you push air
rapidly into the mouthpiece, the air begins to vibrate. Then the sound waves
that the vibration produces bounce off the sides of the tube, and come out the
other end.
You can change the pitch by tightening or loosening
your lips.