Great Kids: Frank Epperson, Inventor
of the Popsicle
Today's Snack: What do you think?
A popsicle, of course! Those made with frozen fruit juice have more fiber and
are better for you than the sugar-water kind. But they're all good!
In 1905 the popsicle was invented by an eleven year old boy
named Frank Epperson. Frank mixed up a soda drink with a stirring stick
but left it on the back porch by accident. It was cold that night and the
drink froze to the stick .The next morning Frank found that his drink had
frozen and that it tasted really good. It took Epperson 18 more years in
1923 to apply for a patent for "frozen ice on a stick" called the
Epsicle Ice Pop, which his children re-named the Popsicle.
.Orange is the most popular flavor of Popsicles, what's yours?
.Twin Popsicles (two popsicles stuck together) were invented during the
Great Depression
.Popsicle sticks were first made from Birch wood.
Learn more about things invented by kids by reading the book "The Kid who
Invented the Popsicle":And other Surprising Stories about Inventions
by Don L. Wulffson