Holidays: Martin
Luther King Day
Appreciating the 'I
Have a Dream' Speech
Snack: In honor of the long and
proud struggle toward good race relations in this country, enjoy two all-time popular
after-school snacks. Think about the symbolism of literally swallowing these
and letting them nourish your body - just as understanding among the races is
nourishing for the soul. The snacks are: Oreo cookies, and chocolate milk!
Today is a day to perform some kind of community service,
particularly to help racial minorities;
select a charity or nonprofit organization to support today
with a bake sale, car wash, penny drive, book drive,
litter pick-up, water bottle hand-out, spaghetti feed, etc.
Use the links at the bottom for today's Treat
Martin Luther King Day commemorates the American
civil rights movement and one of its greatest leaders. It brings to the
spotlight one of the greatest speeches of all time.

Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech was delivered at
the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 28, 1963. The crowd was
estimated at 250,000, including 50,000 who were white. The speech was nationally
televised, live.
Dr. King's speech is credited with prodding Congress
to push through the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Among other things, it outlawed
discrimination in employment based on race, color, gender, religion, or
national origin. It also forced the desegregation of public places such as
schools and museums. So the speech was a real breakthrough for racial equality
in the United States. King was awarded the Nobel Prize, largely on the strength
of this inspiring speech.
The speech was inspiring because of
Dr. King's masterful use of language. Here are three of the keys:
The "I Have a Dream" speech was rich with allusions.
An allusion is a reference to
something else. If you match an allusion to the knowledge base of your
audience, you increase your communication power because your audience is
familiar with what you're referring to. Their minds make a quick trip to the
reference point to "check in," and then come back to what you are trying to get
across. Your point becomes more familiar because you've made that connection
with what they already know. Your audience is at ease and in sync with you.
In this speech, Dr. King alludes to
Abraham Lincoln, the Bible, small children, specific states, specific mountains
and ideals like "brotherhood" and "freedom." These were successful because of
his audience's familiarity and emotional attachment to those things. He might
have made accurate allusions to scientific facts or Shakespeare, but since his
audience wasn't as familiar with those things, those would have fallen flat,
and his connecting power wouldn't have been as strong.
Another literary strength of this
speech is its metaphors. A metaphor
is a word picture that helps the reader or listener imagine what you're trying
to say. It's a figure of speech in which something is called something that it
is really not. Even with the exaggeration and impossibility of the metaphor,
though, a truth is proclaimed. The dictionary definition gives this metaphor:
"a mighty fortress is our God." Because you know that the expression goes beyond
the literal interpretation - God isn't REALLY a fort -- your mind is lifted up
and over the material world into the world of imagination. You don't read a lot
of metaphors in the daily newspaper or in schoolbooks, so when you encounter
one, it's memorable and attractive.
Dr. King's metaphors included
slavery word pictures: he spoke of "the manacles of segregation" and the
"chains of discrimination" (manacles are handcuffs; chains were how slaves
often were transported and kept from escaping). He portrayed racial injustice
as "quicksand" and brotherhood as "solid rock." America's freedoms and bounties
are depicted as a bank, and the relatively disadvantaged status of black
Americans was likened to that entire race of Americans receiving a "bad check."
Everyone can relate to that, even if King's white audience couldn't relate as
powerfully to racial discrimination. Note that this speech was given in late
August in Washington, so the metaphor of "sweltering summer" to describe the
African-American population's discontent and suffering over racism was
successful, especially when he called his hope for freedom and equality an
"invigorating autumn."
A third writing device in this fine
speech is the use of repetition. Dr. King was a
preacher, and a very fine one, and he uses the musicality of repeating words
and phrases to build the emotional impact of this speech, especially at the
end. One reason we respond so strongly to music is that we like repetition; we
like to hear the second verse with different words to the same tune. You can
use that natural human proclivity by repeating words and phrases selectively to
emphasize a point.
Dr. King's exhortation to his
audience to go back to their specific states and keep working for racial peace
used repetition. Listing various mountains and hillsides across the country
and, with a touch of humor, referring to "molehills," unified his points as
applying to all Americans. He urged them "to work together, to pray together,
to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom

Study this world-famous speech. The
text is printed in the link below. You will no doubt find many more admirable
features in it which commend it as a great piece of writing that will stand the
test of time:
The best way to honor a great piece
of writing is to memorize all or part of it. Here's a cool way to memorize at least
the highlights of this immortal speech: