Snow Day 'Adaptive
Re-Use' Challenge:
Make a 'Snow Being'
Today's Snack: Snow Cupcakes! Make
them from scratch. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a mixing bowl, combine 1
egg, 1 cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 1¼ cup of granulated (not powdered)
sugar, and one stick of margarine (which you have melted in advance). Beat on
low power for a minute or so. Then add 1¾ cups of flour, 2½ teaspoons baking
powder, and ½ teaspoon of salt. Mix on high power for about two minutes. Pour
into paper-lined muffin tins. Bake for 20 minutes. When cool, frost with
prepared white frosting. Pour shredded coconut into a deep bowl. Turn each
cupcake upside down after you've frosted it, and dip it into the coconut. It's
nice to have snow that's so tasty, and you don't have to shovel it!
cardboard, the bigger, the better
giftwrap, tissue paper and ribbons
Christmas cards - you might ask parents of your school, members of
church, or your parents' co-workers to give you all their cards
Christmas instead of throwing them away
scissors and other creativity tools
A snow day is a perfect time to practice
your creativity, and challenge yourself to make some special art for your front
door, wall or fridge. But let's not spend a dime on this project. Let's make
something really special from . . . trash!
Creativity is often required in
adaptive re-use. That term means figuring out another way to use an object to
save the expense of buying something new. You have to "adapt" your thinking to
recognize different options for using materials. With this project, you are
going to adapt something that most of us throw away in the trash - holiday
giftwrap and cards - into something wonderful that you can enjoy, year after
You might plan ahead to do this
activity next January, and in December, ask people to save their Christmas
giftwrap, cards and other decorations to give to you instead of throwing them
in the trash.
Now let's make our "snow beings." Using
cardboard from the biggest white box you got for Christmas instead of throwing
the box away, or using extra poster board that you don't want any more, cut out
the shape of a snowman, with three large circles, or other "snow being" shape
you would like to make. You want to have a lot of white in your creation, since
it's supposed to appear that it's made out of snow, but you can use other
colors, too.
Who says it has to be a snowperson?
Why not a snow whale? A snow zebra? Snow alien? How about a snow monster? A
snow lizard? A snow giraffe?
The only rule is: no pencil, crayons
or markers. We want this "being" to be three-dimensional, or 3-D - not flat!
Cut many, many tiny squares of
white tissue paper, wrap over a pencil eraser, dot with glue, and stick on as close
together as you can for a 3-D effect
Crumble white packing noodles and
glue on for a more pebbly 3-D effect
Or do the same thing with popped
Mix flour, salt and a little water
and smash it onto the cardboard until it hardens
Glue macaroni or other pastas on,
let dry, and paint
Paint glue on the whole background
piece and sprinkle white glitter on it, or lots of clear candy wrappers, or
plastic wrap
"Weave" bits of Christmas ribbon
into clothing for the being - perhaps a collar, saddle, dress, pants, vest, bow
A hat might be a real one from your
"lost and found" box of winter items; just stretch the hat over the part of the
cardboard that forms the head
A scarf could be made from old
socks, sewing scraps or some extra Christmas wrapping paper
Instead of sticks, arms could be
fashioned from paper clips strung together or cut-up dowels with mismatched
mittens from the Lost and Found
The eyes could be buttons, glued on
The nose could be a real carrot - a
tiny baby carrot would stand up if you cut it across one end so it'll lay flat,
poke a brad through the cardboard underneath and plunge the carrot firmly onto
the two ends
The smile could be red licorice,
gumdrops, red hots or just about anything else, glued on
You might want to fashion a heart,
eyeglasses, earmuffs, gloves, a broom or any number of other objects to further
express what your being is
Neighbors and passers-by will smile
when they see your snow being taped to the window or front door. These also
brighten those cold winter days when they are inside, and they make a great
gift to send to work with a parent or to give your teacher a little unexpected
welcome-back gift when the snow day is over.
Isn't creativity . . . cool?