Get a Drama Major Into
the Act
Today's Snack: Buy a packaged quick-bread mix, such as
pumpkin bread or blueberry muffin mix, and make a loaf of special bread or
muffins. The aroma will draw others to the kitchen to eat with you - and as
they say in the theatre, the taste will "bring down the house." Enjoy with your
favorite fruit juice!
Young people love to learn from people who are only slightly
older. So it's a great idea to find a high school or college student willing to
volunteer some time to come in and work with younger kids after school. You
could call the local high school's drama teacher, or the drama department of
the nearest college or university. Your after-school group could call him or
her your "student-mentor."
Ideally, a student-mentor would do this as a class project, for
extra credit, or simply for the joy of volunteering and sharing the many skills
of drama. It does look good on college and job applications!
Maybe it could be set up like a short course, with the student-mentor
coming to the after-school location to work with the kids once or twice a week
for six weeks. Maybe they will put on a short skit, demonstrate the skills of
drama, or perform a song and dance routine.
The final meeting the dress rehearsal for a brief performance
given for parents and families on the last session of the short course, when
the parents come to pick up the kids and can stay an extra few minutes for the
show or demonstration.
For one or two young people, the older student might come in as a
tutor on an informal basis and be paid for his or her time.
But if it's a larger group setting in a formal after-school
program, perhaps some class extra credit could be arranged for the older
student. Or, if the high school requires a set number of community service
hours, dedicating those hours to a drama club in an after-school setting would
be an ideal way for a performing-arts minded teenager to spend them.
Parents could always pool their money to pay the student-mentor a
stipend, too. It would be worth it!
Dance and movement
Choreography workshop
How to develop (brainstorm) a short script
Scriptwriting basics
Performance terminology
Stage management