Oh, Say, Can You See
(the Future)?
Today's Snack: Since we're focusing
on foresight today, we'll see how much foresight you had to plan ahead to have
something on hand for snacks. You may select a snack from what's available
today, but make a list of the snacks that you predict you would like to have
next week. Post that list on your refrigerator. Next week, find out: did you
prophecy come true?
All you need is a piece of paper and
pen or pencil
But if you wish, find photos from
the Internet of these "seers"
and some of the inventions or
developments that they predicted

Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian genius - a scientist, artist, writer, inventor and much
more. He was a seer. That's someone who "sees" the future. Da Vinci (1452-1519)
was centuries ahead of his time in writing and drawing about aircraft, tanks,
scuba diving, medicine, engineering, math and more.

Here are some sketches of inventions and ideas Da Vinci had for bridge

Jules Verne
(1828-1905), a French author, also was someone who could foretell the future.
He wrote about submarines, aqualungs, television and space travel decades
before they existed. Put on your "must-read" list two of his books: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (written in
1869 when submarines were unheard of) and Around
the World in 80 Days (from 1873, when fast travel was only in people's

Verne's two most famous books are still fun to read today.
whole set of seers were among the writers of the books of the Bible. Scholars
list about 2,000 specific prophecies in the Old Testament that have come true.
For example, there was a prediction that Babylon, the greatest city of ancient
times, would one day be destroyed and never rebuilt. That has come true. In
Amos 5:8, the writer claims that there are seven stars in the constellation
Pleiades, but only six can be seen with the naked eye. The seventh star wasn't
discovered in that constellation until telescopes were, centuries later.
Similarly, Job wrote of the "springs of the sea" (Job 38:16), but the ocean's
huge underwater vents weren't discovered until deep-sea diving equipment came
along centuries later.
Now it's YOUR turn!
a seer! Be a prophet! Foresee something that will come true! You may want to do
this with a partner or with a small-group team, or all by your lonesome. But
spend some time thinking this through so that you can come up with a unique and
exciting prediction.
at least three paragraphs explaining how we do something today or some problem
that we have, what the thing that you foresee will be, and how it will work to
help make life better or solve some sort of challenge that we face today.
sure to put today's date on your paper. Keep it someplace safe.
you may want to whip it out and prove that YOU were the FIRST to know!