Creativity: Training
Today's Snack: Since we're going to practice s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g
your thinking, take a cheese stick and s-t-r-e-t-c-h it as far as it'll go.
Measure it with a ruler, before and after. Then eat it! And stretch out your
snack enjoyment with a big glass of chocolate milk, too.
Rubber band for each
student | cardboard tube | paper clip
Empty plastic bottle |
quarter | clothespin | fabric square
A great way to train your mind to be more
creative - more playful - more flexible - is to brainstorm. It's really fun in
a group. Everybody can contribute. There are no dumb ideas. Feel free to
stretch your thinking, and risk saying something unusual. Everybody can shine
in this, and the idea is to crank out as many ideas as you can in a short time.
The more, the merrier!
The point is to generate lots of good
ideas at a fast rate of speed. Then when you are writing or speaking, you will
have more ideas to choose from. And when you have more ideas to choose from,
you can communicate more clearly and in a more effective, interesting way.
To "scamper" means to run, rush, dart
out, or go quickly. Here's how to make good ideas scamper out of you!
Let's take some household items through
the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. brainstorming process. Suggest as many ways as you can think
of to mentally change the object to create a whole new look or purpose for it.
Let's put an ordinary rubber band through
Substitute - if it were made of cereal, it could
be a giant Cheerio
Combine - if you combined the rubber band with
your finger or a stick, it could be stretched and shot
Adapt - it could be a gasket for a toy car
Modify - in hard plastic: a hula hoop for a mouse
Put to another use - handcuffs for a dumb, weak
Eliminate - without its stretchiness, it could be
a bracelet
Rearrange - if it were edible, you could bunch
together a lot of carrots or pretzel sticks and eat them as a bunch.
In a notebook,
brainstorm a "SCAMPER" for these objects, alone or with each other:
cardboard tube, paper
clip, empty plastic bottle, quarter, clothespin, fabric square
Substitute Who
else? What else? When else? Where
else? Why else? How else? Color?
Combine Mix
with what else?
Adapt What
else could it be used for or fit with?
How could the idea be slightly changed?
Modify How
could it be changed?
it's made of? Color? Way it moves?
Power source? Purpose?
Multiplied into many of the same?
Minify - make smaller, slower, split up,
or zoom in
Magnify - make larger, faster, spread out,
or zoom out
Put to What's
another way to use it?
another How could it be more effective?
use Less effective?
Eliminate What
if parts were subtracted?
What if parts were smaller or less important?
Rearrange What
if this worked or looked differently?
What if its parts had another layout?
What if it had a
different sequence? Speed?