Knock Your (Tie-Dyed)
Socks Off
Today's Snack: There's an old expression, "sock
it to me," which means something really intense or dramatic has happened to
you. So why don't you "sock it to yourself" with some hot salsa? The flavor is
intense, and most recipes are fat-free. Dip carrots, celery and sliced jicama
(pronounced "HICK uh muh"), which taste pretty bland, into the hot salsa. Wash
down with a tall glass of iced, frosty fruit juice.
Socks - probably white or a light
Soda ash solution or tie dye kit,
with squirt bottles
Rubber bands or string
Access to cold water and a place to
Here's a creative gift for just about anybody, at
holiday time, for birthdays, or any time! It's wearable art. We all love socks,
and with your special, colorful, tie-dye touch, new socks will be an extra
welcome and memorable gift.
- It's best to pre-wash and
machine-dry the socks. Then soak the socks in plain water, before you dye
them, to prepare the fabric.
- When you're ready, wring out
- Wrap with rubber bands or
tight strings, in any pattern you like.
- Add liquid dye to squirt
bottles and apply. Don't get any on your clothes!
- Soak in a permanent dye set
to keep the cool color combinations longer. Follow package directions for
length of this soaking.
- Rinse in cold water.
- Let air dry, then wash and
Wrap, give and enjoy the recipient's smile!