Eggshell Art
The obvious snack choice today is:
eggs! Enjoy them hard-boiled, scrambled, poached or fried. Do you think they're
good for you? Yes! You're eggs-actly right.
Things to gather in advance:
Zip-lock bag
Food coloring
Small containers
Paper towels
Craft sticks
Straight pin
One of the most egg-citing things
about art is that you can use just about anything and make it into a piece of
art. The kitchen is a great source of art materials when you're experimenting
and having fun. So let's try some eggshell art.
Ask your local grownup to save
eggshells from breakfast or baking in a little container under the sink. You
might ask to crack the eggs yourself to help out. Crack the yolk and white into
a container while still holding the two halves of the shell. It's a little
tricky, but you can do it! Then rinse the two halves under running water,
rubbing the clear membrane off the inside of the shell so that it can dry hard
and crisp.
After you have a good supply, say,
12 eggshells, then put them into a zip-lock bag, and using your fingers or a
drinking glass that you press down, crush the eggshells into tiny pieces. Put
on a paint shirt or roll up your sleeves and be careful not to spill in this
next step.
Next, take several used yogurt cups
or other recycled containers, or small glass bowls, and into each container or
bowl, pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar, ½ cup of hot water, and five or six drops
of food coloring. Put a different color into each bowl. You can mix the colors
if you wish, to get shades of purple or orange or whatever you'd like.
Gently place some crushed eggshell
into each container or bowl. Stir until they absorb enough of the color. With a
spoon, lift the eggshell back out of the "dye" and onto paper towels, taking
care not to stain your hands or clothes or anything around. So be neat, and
it'll pay off!
Wait a few minutes until the colored
eggshell fragments are dry. Then you can do all kinds of things:
With a
paintbrush, paint a pattern on a piece of cardstock and sprinkle colored
eggshells in place with your fingers. Let dry.
your fingers or a craft stick, stir a teaspoon or so of glue diluted with a
little water and add colored eggshell until the mixture is mostly eggshell and
not so much glue.
Then "sculpt" into a three-dimensional shape. Let dry on waxed paper.
Try to make a chicken! That would be meaningful!
If you
have one spare egg, and if there's an adult around to help you, you can take a
straight pin and stick it into one end of the egg. Wiggle it around a little to
make a decent-sized hole, but be gentle so that the egg doesn't crack. Now make
a similar-sized hole in the other end of the egg, again trying your best not to
crack it or break it. When you're ready, stand over the sink or a bowl, and put
one end of the egg to your lips. Now blow with all your might to drive the yolk
and egg out the hole in the other end, down the sink or into the container so
that you can fix a nice scrambled egg for a snack (see below). Keep blowing
'til the egg is hollow, then rinse under the faucet and blow some more.
Finally, you can paint glue on that egg and sprinkle the colored eggshell on
top in one or more colors. You can make a "drying stand" out of a paper clip or
two so that it doesn't stick to the paper towel or countertop as it dries.
Scrambled egg snack: melt a teaspoon of margarine in a small frying pan and
heat on medium on the stove, and meanwhile beat the egg yolk and white with a
tablespoon or two of milk, adding a little shredded cheddar cheese if you have
it, and salt and pepper, and pour onto the sizzling margarine in the pan. When
it begins to set, take the fork and scramble it around. If you're alone, eat it
right out of the pan - that's fun! - or if you're with other kids or in a
group, allow one egg per person for a light snack.