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P.O. Box 995

Elkhorn, NE 68022


* Nonprofit, 501(c)(3)



Mini-Grant #10: Book Wish Lists for Inner-City After-Schools


            Various after-school programs that work with low-income children and youth in the Omaha-Council Bluffs area are being encouraged to set up "wish lists" for books on These are available at prices that in most cases are far below retail.


Donors can visit that link and select books that they would like to pay for, and have sent, to the after-school program of their choice. It's that easy!


            Or, if you'd rather, send a tax-deductible donation to After School Treats at the address above, and we will "shop" for books to give to after-schools, or for books for our own independent learning kits.


            Some after-school programs maintain a library in which the students can borrow books and return them. Others use books as motivational rewards for students for making a reading goal of so many minutes per week. Others have a guest reader program that's always in need of new stories to share. There are unlimited ways to get kids hooked on reading, but to do that, of course, you need books!


It's fast, it's fun, and it's fulfilling . . . because a book is a friend, especially for children and youth who can't afford to


Compass Ministries

1723 N. 33rd St.

Omaha, NE 68111



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