Labor Day Workers'
Snack: To honor the American farmer, have a bowl of Shredded Wheat, or
mini-wheat cereal, to remind yourself of haystacks! With a little milk and
sugar, it's a tasty, different afternoon treat.
newspapers, magazines and catalogs
Glue or
rubber cement
On Labor Day, we celebrate all the different things people
do for a living in the United States. So look through old magazines, catalogs,
newspapers and other printed materials to find and cut out as many different
pictures of people doing jobs as you can.
You're going to glue them all together on the posterboard as
a collage. That's pronounced "co-LAHJ." A collage is a work of art that is made
up of a collection of things that you would not normally find together.
Maybe you will just find something that represents a job,
rather than a person actually doing that job. For example, there may be an ad
for workboots in an old newspaper; you could cut out the boot for your collage.
Or maybe in a catalog there may be a child pictured in a
costume as a police officer; you could cut that out, even though obviously that
child is not really working as a police officer, unless the police force is
really opening up its ranks to rookies these days!
You can cut out words from these magazines and catalogs that
have something to do with work. Large-type ad headlines are a good source of
words like "try" and "money," with pictures of forklifts and computers, cooking
gear and even athletic uniforms to symbolize all the different jobs there are.
As you complete your collage, be thinking of what YOU might
want to be when you grow up. If you can think of things around the house or
classroom that aren't needed, that you could glue onto your collage to
represent your career wishes, that would be great. For example, a future doctor
might glue on a bandage, a craft stick (you know; what doctors stick in your
mouth when they want you to say "aah"), part of a label from a prescription bottle
that shows the Rx symbol for a prescription, and other small, flat things that
represent a medical career.
Be sure to display your collage throughout the Labor Day
weekend, and talk with friends and family about how they chose their jobs, and
what else they've ever wanted to try.