Alphabet Dictation
Today's Snack: Here's a fun activity to do in pairs. So, for a
healthy snack, eat a . . . PEAR! If you've never had a little can of pear
juice, now's the time to try it, too.
Newspapers | Scratch paper
and pencils | Divide into pairs
Here's a fun way to help your students make the English
alphabet more automatic and firmly implanted.
First, sing the alphabet song
together. Write the alphabet letters on the board, or have them displayed and
point them out.
Ask the students to divide up into
pairs of two.
Hand each pair of students a section
of newspaper, a piece of scratch paper and a pencil. One student takes the
newspaper, and the other takes the paper and pencil.
They are to take turns dictating the
alphabet letters of the headlines to each other. The one with the newspaper
will say the letters aloud, and the other one will write the letters on the
scratch paper.
They can say "space" in between words, and they can
say aloud punctuation marks, though they are fairly rare in headlines.
For a headline such as "City Council Approves
Building," the student who goes first would dictate, in English, "C - i - t - y
(space) C - o - u - n - c - i - l (space). . ." and so on.
The other student should write down the letters into
words as they are dictated.
After five minutes, the students can compare the
printed headlines with the written versions on the scratch paper. Then switch
If students are willing, you can repeat for as long
as you'd like, switching sides every 5 minutes.
Which pair of students can dictate
and record the most headlines with no errors in the time period?