What's Missing?
Today's Snack: On a paper plate or
piece of plastic wrap, place these five things: a baby carrot, a celery stick,
a broccoli floweret, a cauliflower floweret, and a red pepper ring. Point to
each food item and say its name out loud. Now have someone else play a game
with you. That person should shut his or her eyes, or turn the other way, while
you select one of your five food items, and eat it. Then that person should
turn around and guess what's missing. If they can, they get a point; if they
guess wrong, YOU get a point. Now have them look away again, and choose another
food item to eat. When you're done, have them turn around and guess again. Can
you eat all five and win this game, too?
Set of picture cards, either
prepared or homemade
OR five different items - see below
What's Missing
Here's a fun game. It will help you learn new vocabulary
words. It will also help you stretch your memory skills. It is fun to play this
with at least one other student, or a small group of children.
The object of the game is to get the most points by naming
the card that is missing from the group. All you need is a set of picture
The teacher or student leader should put five picture cards
face up in the center of the table. As a group the students can identify the
cards as they are placed in front of them by saying the word out loud. So if
it's a picture of a cat, the students should all say "cat."
Once all five cards are on the table, then everyone is given
a short amount of time to study the cards. If you don't have picture cards, you
can also use a variety of small objects: a spoon, a watch, a necklace, a sock
and a pencil, for example.
One student is chosen to turn around so that he or she cannot
see the cards on the table.
While the student's back is turned, the leader removes one
of the cards and hides it where no one can see it. The rest of the cards are shifted
around so there is not a "hole" where the missing card belongs.
The student is told to turn back around and after looking at
the cards, and name the one that is missing. A point is given for each correct
response. Then the other students get a turn. The first one to five points wins
the game.
To make picture cards for this game:
- Cut out pictures from magazines
or catalogs, pictures taken from a digital camera, or photocopies of
pictures. Sight words can also be used for more advanced ESL students.
- Glue pictures on cardstock and
laminate. Now you will have a set to use with this game or other games.
- To make the game easier to play,
allow students to give clues to help their classmates remember a missing
word or picture.
-- Submitted by
longtime educator Cynthia Jernstrom