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Are You a Good Team Member?


            Today's Snack: Have a bunch of grapes. Think about how much better the whole bunch is, than just one grape by itself. That's like teamwork! The more, the merrier, and together is better!






Print out a copy of this assessment for each student:





  1. Fill out this checklist, and then go over the results with 3 adults.
  2. Figure out your strengths and weaknesses as a team member,

whether it's a sports team, a team at school, or even in your family.

  1. Set a goal of turning at least one of your weaknesses into a strength this school year. Tell the adults who are helping you.
  2.  Then get in there and make yourself, and your team, even better!


I always try my best.


I'm patient.


I'm honest.


I'm a good listener.


I don't interrupt others.


I don't hurt feelings.


I put other people ahead of myself and try to be humble.


I like to be challenged.


I like to meet deadlines.


I keep my promises.


I admit when I'm wrong.


I give compliments.


If I have a criticism, I try to give an honest compliment first.


I work best when I'm clear on my responsibilities.


I'm aware of my strengths and love to use them.


I'm aware of my weaknesses and am working on them.


I handle myself well when there is a conflict with someone else.


I don't like to get into arguments.


I like to concentrate on positive things.


I like to see what I have in common with other kids.


I'm happy when other kids excel and don't feel too jealous.


I like to be a "peacemaker."


I like to compete as a part of a team.


I like to win, but that's not why I'm on a team.


I believe that if you can have fun and learn a lot, you've won all there is to win.





By Susan Darst Williams • • Partners & Teams 01 © 2008




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