Online Learning:
Online Halloween Art
Today's Snack: As soon as you carve your Halloween pumpkin, you
have the makings of a great treat! Save those pumpkin seeds! Separate them from
the fibers. Wash them. Drain and dry them with paper towels. Put 1½ cups in a
bowl. Dribble one teaspoon of vegetable oil over them and stir. Toss with salt.
Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake, stirring occasionally, until
golden brown, 12 to 15 minutes. Enjoy with a glass of grape juice.
Access to the Internet
and a printer
Scissors | tape |
pumpkin | carving tools | newspaper | short candle
It's fun and different to design your jack o'lantern's face with this
online tool.
When you're satisfied, print it out.
scissors, cut apart the facial features. Tape them in place on your pumpkin,
after you've cut open a lid and removed the pulp and seeds, working on a
newspaper to catch the gunk.
will make a good guide for you and your adult supervision to carve out your
pumpkin. Put a short, sturdy candle inside, and voila. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!