Bio Book
Today's Snack: Since a lot of the interesting people are heroes,
let's have a hero sandwich! Slice a bun in half and load it up with meats,
cheese, a lettuce leaf, sliced tomato, and whatever else you can cram in there.
Then eat, with a nice glass of milk, which you can use to make yourself a
heroic-looking milk moustache!
Position the bio form,
below, to print out on one page
Make as many copies as
you wish
great way to learn history is to learn about it through the people who lived
it. So let's collect biographies — facts about interesting and important
out and/or photocopy this blank information form as many times as you wish.
Staple the pages into book form, 3-hole punch them and place them in a
three-ring binder, or tape them to a notebook you already have.
categories: military, medical, writer, artist, educator, scientist, explorer,
inventor, religious hero, beauty, intelligence, kindness, service to the poor .
. . the possibilities are endless. Make sure you have at least one person for
each of your categories, and shoot for three or four!
Event or action known for:
Date of birth:________ Death: ________
Home, family: ______________________
Failures, problems:
Unforgettable because:
Circle source of your information and give title, below:
encyclopedia library book database
newspaper other
Attach photo or draw your own: