Birdbrains and Other
Today's Snack: Eat like a bird!
Mix shelled sunflower seeds with dried peanut halves and dried apricot cut up
into tiny pieces. Use a pretend "beak" like a clothespin to pick up every piece
and put it in your mouth. Use a straw to drink juice or milk to go with your
seedy snack.
If anyone you know has a pet bird, today would be a great time to study it
Or . . . a hunter
friend might loan a taxidermied pheasant or quail
including goose-down
Ice-cream scoop
Bottle opener
Hammer and
pounding board
Long piece of
Fruit by the Foot
Ziploc bag or
zippered jacket
Birds are awesome. They have so
many neat and useful body parts - not just their wings, either. We humans have
copied a number of things about the well-designed bodies of birds in the
objects that have been of great use to humans.
Consider these examples:
Hummingbird's beak is long
and hollow, like a straw, so that it can go deep into a flower
Eagle's talons are sharp and curve
inward, like a bottle opener, to grasp and carry prey
Flicker's tongue is long
and sticky, like a living Fruit by the Foot, when it is unrolled and stuck into
holes in tree bark to capture and draw in bugs to eat
Heron's beak is really long and sharp,
like chopsticks, so that the heron can get underwater food in the shallows
Woodpecker's beak is
really, really hard and strong, like a hammer
Duck bill is curved, like an ice-cream
scoop, so that the duck can root out bugs in the mud
Robin's beak is rather long, so that
the robin can pierce the ground and pull up worms
Chickadee's beak is tiny,
triangular, but very strong, like a clothespin, to crush hard seeds
Cardinal's conehead is
fancy to attract the ladies, and intimidating to scare off enemies
Many bird feathers are like Velcro
or Ziploc bags in the way they work together to keep warm air in, and moisture
Now try using some of the objects
to pretend to pick up food the way a bird might. If you have an extra sunflower
seed from today's snack, put it on the table. Put the tweezers in your mouth.
Then try to pick up the seed. It's not as easy as our feathered friends make it
look, is it?